VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2018 ) > List of Articles
Piyush Malhotra
Keywords : Cesarean delivery, Dimorphic anemia, Vitamin B12 deficiency
Citation Information : Malhotra P. Prevention of Dimorphic Anemia through a Case Study. World J Anemia 2018; 2 (2):66-67.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10065-0033
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 01-09-2018
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2018; The Author(s).
Anemia refers to a medical condition wherein the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is lower than normal. It is the most common disease affecting humankind and is responsible for morbidity and mortality among the general population. In men, anemia is typically defined as hemoglobin less than 13.5 g/100 mL and in women less than 12.0 g/100 mL. Dimorphic anemia is mainly caused due to two deficiencies, iron-deficiency, and nutritional macrocytic anemia. It is, therefore, iron-deficiency anemia complicated by nutritional macrocytic anemia or may be regarded as vice versa condition. Herein, I present a case of 30 years of the third gravida who had been anemic through the entire course of pregnancy even after many blood transfusions. Peripheral smear revealed dimorphic macrocytic anemia. Purpose of this study is to understand the causes, affect and treatment of dimorphic anemia.